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Joan’s husband Tom published his Memoir titled All the Way, which is the story of his life with Joan and their battle with cancer.  100% of proceeds from the sales of the book support the Joan L. Kidd MD Fight For Life Concert Series, which are fundraisers for cancer non profits who support cancer patients and their families. Your purchase of All the Way will continue our mission of helping cancer patients and their families in their fight for life. Upon your purchase, you can immediately download the book in digital form to your Kindle, iPhone, iPad, or desktop computer. Thank you for your support and enjoy the read!


For more information on the Concert Series, please visit

A True Story of Ultimate Commitment, Undying Love,
and Living a Life of Meaning, Passion and Purpose….

Dr. Joan Kidd was a respected Physician, who was loved by her patients and respected by her peers. Her husband Tom came into her life in a serendipitous manner, they became soul mates, and they lived life to its fullest measure. But not many years into their idyllic relationship, the universe threw them a curve ball that they never saw coming. Joan would face the battle for her life and Tom dedicated his life to fighting with her every step of the way. Tom had been devoted to making her the happiest woman on the planet and was no less devoted to doing everything possible to fight for her life. This is their story and how Tom found inspiration to form the Fight for Life Continuum and new purpose from their life together…All the Way 

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