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Tom Kidd
Founder & Chairman

The Joan L. Kidd, MD Fight for Life Continuum was originally established in late 2015 and early 2016 by Tom Kidd to fight for the extension of the lives of cancer patients and to enhance the quality of life for cancer patients. His efforts have been inspired by his late wife, Joan L. Kidd, MD, a respected internal medicine and family medicine physician. Tom was her caregiver and health care advocate throughout her nearly three year battle with ovarian cancer in an effort to try to save her life, and then extend her life with good quality. 


In 2019, he turned his efforts toward funding or underwriting fundraising programs and events of nonprofits that would support their work to broaden the level of impact on people in need. 

The Joan L. Kidd, MD Fight for Life Concert Series, the Joan L. Kidd MD Fight for Life Golf Series the Joan L. Kidd, MD Memorial Fund, the eBook fundraising program and the Access Merchant Discount program were launched. Approximately $1 million has been raised for nonprofits and cancer patients since inception of the Continuum with over $500,000 invested in delivering services to cancer patients. Tom has served as a past member of the Board of Directors of Florida Cancer Specialists Foundation, which has paid out over $7 million in financial aid to cancer patients in need since inception, a past member of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Healthcare Advocates and a past member of the National Care Planning Council. 

Contact us to become a designated nonprofit to receive donations from the Continuum.

© 2022 All Rights Reserved - Joan L. Kidd MD Fight for Life Continuum, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company

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